
Eden Dental Clinic

Book your appointment today

Our experienced team provide treatment with the utmost care skill and attention to detail, while making each patient feel comfortable and confident. The Dentist uses your check-up to see how healthy your mouth is, whether you might need some work done and, in the case of children , how the teeth are growing and developing. the Dentist will have a look round inside your mouth, checking the teeth, as well as your tongue, the soft palate, the inside of your cheeks and the roof of your mouth. on As well as looking in your mouth, the Dentist will ask you some questions, like whether you have had any pain or sensitivity in your teeth and gums recently, what you general health is like, whether you’re on any medication at the moment, what your diet is like. Your dentist will normally take a couple of X-rays during your first visit to ensure that your teeth are all healthy in areas not visible. Your initial check-up will take approximately 30 minutes.

