
Elm House

Professional Dental Services

General and cosmetic dentistry in Crawley Down Elm House Dental Practice are a family dentist in Crawley Down, treating patients with common dental health issues such as treatments for tooth decay and fillings, as well as performing a range of cosmetic procedures including tooth whitening, dental implants and more. What sets us apart is our dedication to promoting preventative measures and educating our patients as we believe stopping problems from arising is better for patients than treating issues as and when they arise. As part of our prevention philosophy, we’re happy to discuss any concerns or anxieties you may have prior to treatment in the welcoming environment of our practice. Our private practice is suitable for people of all ages, including children. We also offer Denplan, which confers a range of benefits to members such as covering the costs of dental examinations, dental hygiene visits and more. Get in touch with our friendly team today for advice or more information.

