
Kinver Dental & Implant Surgery

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Good Dental Health For You And Your Family Through Preventative Dentistry Our practice aims to provide dental care of a high quality, for all patients. In proposing treatment we take account of patients’ wishes. We will explain options, where appropriate, and costs, so that you can make an informed choice. We will always explain what we are doing. We will do all we can to look after your general health. We will ask you routinely about your general health, and about any medicines being taken. This helps us to treat you safely. We keep all information about patients confidential. Infection prevention and control is also essential to the safety of our patients. Every practice member receives training in practice systems for infection prevention and control. We screen all patients for mouth cancer at routine checkups. We ask patients about tobacco use because it increases their oral cancer risk and general health risks. Practice working methods are reviewed regularly. We encourage all staff to make suggestions for improving the care we give patients.

