
Maggie Jackson Dental Hygiene

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Award winning Hygienist near you. 30 years in specialist periodontal practice. Scale/polish, tooth whitening, advanced periodontal therapy. We stop all gum bleeding or refund fees Maggie is an amazing , award winning Dental Hygienist. A leader in her profession and loved by her many patients that she has helped by her careful treatment and unique methods used to stabilise their oral health. Her methods are based on her qualifications. university research, and her ability to apply her findings to develop her own successful treatment methods. Her years of treatment experience have been honed in specialist periodontal practices and are being adopted by universities and the better practices throughout the UK.. AS she is in demand she travels to different practices to make it easier for her loyal patients to get to see her regularly. SHE WORKS WITH HER HAND PICKED ASSOCIATE DENTISTS TO EXCEED ALL YOUR EXPECTATIONS AND EXTEND THE SERVICES SHE CAN OFFER

